My dear boy—your letter came to hand this a.m. and I have dropped what I was doing to answer. I'm sorry that such a fuss is being made over my escapade. I'm alright in every way, have all I want and don't need money, and am very thankful to you for your kind offer of money. When I see you I will tell you all about the affair. I did not want anyone to know about it so as not to have talk. However, don't you worry your head for it has not hurt either of us. Now my boy as to your getting married you misunderstand me entirely. It is that I hate to see my boy leaving me. It is natural in a parent, that has had the care of you so long and a better boy to his father never lived. You understand me that I make no objections whatsoever either as to religion or to the young lady who has condescended to accept you for I believe she is everything that could be desired and I hope the Almighty will bless and prosper you both. I am very sore in body also in mind, but don't you worry one bit for I will come out Am glad to find you are doing so well. The prospects here are not very good indeed, and by the time you get through I think you will find everything in full blast--
Good by my boy Pop
EDITOR'S NOTE--This letter is undated and unsigned. Harry Jones was married in September 1895, so one imagines the talk of his engagement occurred in early 1895, or late 1894. Note too, that the father, Richard Henry Jones, is writing from Saint Augustine, where Harry and Ellen Pacetty met and married. It is unknown where Harry was living when this note was written.